Awards / certifications

First sustainability certification with Green Sign for the Hotel Mutterhaus Düsseldorf

We are delighted that the Hotel Mutterhaus Düsseldorf was awarded Green Sign, the leading sustainability certification for the hotel industry in Europe, on 10 December 2024.

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Certified Star Award for Hotel Mutterhaus Düsseldorf:
2nd place among the best business hotels in Germany

The Hotel Mutterhaus Düsseldorf has been awarded the Certified Star Award and took second place in the category “Certified Business Hotel up to 150 rooms”. The coveted award provides business customers and event managers with important guidance when choosing accommodation or a venue.

In this year’s monitoring audit, the hotel’s status as a Certified Business Hotel® & Certified Conference Hotel® was confirmed once again.

The certificates awarded by Certified, an independent testing institute for the hotel industry, serve as recommendations and help business travellers and event planners to choose a suitable hotel.

The Hotel Mutterhaus Düsseldorf was able to convince with very good services and the fulfilment of the strict criteria from the extensive service catalogues.

Read more in the testimonial for the certification exam on November 21.-22.2023

Successful classification by DEHOGA

On November 24th the hotel has been repeatedly classified as a 4 star hotel. The 390 required points were achieved and even increased. The entire team is proud oft he result of 516 points.

Organic certification DE-ÖKO-039

Hotel Mutterhaus Düsseldorf is one of the few organic certified hotels in the region and has successfully passed the organic certification process of the Gesellschaft für Ressourcenschutz mbH according to the EC-Eco-Regulation. You can enjoy various organic products at the breakfast buffet (see signs)